The Family

The   Family
Our Re-do Weddig

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Chicken Soup... really does calm the soul

This is my very first batch of no-salt, slow-cooked super flavourful chicken soup from my own meatkings and my own pressure canner.

Yay!  It is so funny how the little "ping" of the mason jar lid snapping into place made me almost giddy!  It was sort of scary, considering all the horror stories people have been saying about pressure canners... but really, if you follow the instructions, voila! 

As soon as everything was ready to come out of the canner I took the jars out and "ping" it snapped shut... then I placed it on the towel and get this--- it was rolling, hard boiling on my counter inside the jars!  All the carrots, celery and chicken were being tossed around like a little storm in a bottle.  Very interesting experiment... It boiled for a good 15 minutes at room temperature.  Now that is some hot soup...

They look good don't they?  Next time though, I will mix half stock, half water.  Stock is so valuable that I wish I hadn't used it all.  Next time. 

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